Just the mention of the word “appraisal” can fill managers and staff alike with dread. Once likened to “root canal dental work on our list of things we look forward to” by a Harvard Business School Professor, it seems appraisals are universally unpopular.
To compound that, according to a CIPD survey of more than 2,500 employees, 30% said they felt their employer’s appraisal system was unfair. A similar proportion said they felt progression within their organisation was unachievable, and one in five felt their managers failed to explain objectives and expectations effectively.
Whilst this makes for depressing reading, the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. There are steps you can take to make sure that appraisals are not just a waste of time, and actually help drive your business forward.
Take at look at 10 ways you could get the most from your staff in appraisals.
1. Make sure it’s performance that is being measured, not personality
Be clear on your employee’s objectives, have they met these? Their behaviour or demeanour shouldn’t be linked with their ability to do the job.
2. Be prepared (both appraisee and appraiser)
Get employees to consider what they want to discuss before the meeting, this could include thinking about their ambitions. Ask them to think about how they can shape the conversation. It should be a two-way conversation with ample opportunities for feedback and discussion.
3. Structure the meeting clearly
The aim is to prevent the meeting from running overtime or veering off-piste. This will also make it clearer for both of you to consider what you want to get out of it.
4. Let your employee talk
This is their chance to tell you how they feel about their work, what they enjoy, and if they have any issues or frustrations. Stress that their views are important and that this is a confidential environment for them to discuss anything.
5. Listen
Equally as important. Don’t be tempted to dominate the conversation, this may be their only opportunity to discuss important issues with you.
6. Recognise and reward achievement
As much as an appraisal may be about goal setting and identifying issues, it’s just as important to highlight staff successes and make them feel valued.
7. Follow up
Make sure you set out clear and manageable steps from the meeting and keep track of them so that you can support and encourage your team to fulfil them.
8. Give regular feedback throughout the year
Don’t save up all your feedback for the one staff appraisal meeting, or this will lead to the root canal scenario where both parties are filled with dread. Maintain a constant dialogue with your team throughout the year.
9. Discuss and create objectives together
The best way to ensure you get the most from your employees is to set the goals together. This way your team are motivated as they know their goals are realistic, achievable and have been developed in union.
10. Create the right atmosphere
Think about your company culture. Would it be in keeping with your business if you conducted appraisals over lunch or in a more informal setting? Make sure that it’s private enough for your staff to be able to raise confidential issues, but that the atmosphere is not intimidating or unfamiliar.
What next?
If you would like more information or advice on appraisals, please contact the team.
Appraisal FAQ’s
Should I scrap the traditional formal annual appraisal and opt for year-round continuous feedback?
Continuous feedback enables businesses to keep employee performance on track. This way you can deal with any performance issues as they arise. It also provides opportunity to review and revise goals and objectives on an ongoing basis and spot where support, training and development may be required.
What other sources of feedback should I consider?
Ask other staff members to comment on performance so you can get a more rounded picture of how someone is performing. If you’re using an online performance review system you can set tasks for peers, direct reports, as well as line managers to periodically comment on performance, providing 180 or 360-degree feedback.
How can I make appraisals less stressful for employees?
Be organised, prepare in advance and let the employee know what to expect. Follow our ten steps to make sure that you have a procedure in place. Set a clear agenda whenever you are reviewing performance, this will also help you both to get what you want from the meeting.