As an employer, what can you do to support your staff with their mental health? We’ve rounded up the most useful free mental health resources we have found for business owners and managers.
Mental Health First Aid Training
We all know how important good mental health and well-being are to a thriving, productive workplace, but many of us just don’t know how to turn that into a reality. Could your business benefit from mental health first aid training? Our partners at Wellness Cloud offer mental health awareness training.
Mental health at work
A PDF guide to mental health in the workplace from Mental Health Foundation including guidance on supporting a colleague and a checklist for employers.
Employment law and mental health
ACAS has useful guidance on your legal obligations when it comes to supporting your staff’s mental well-being.
Making workplace adjustments
Department of Health has guidance on when and how you should make workplace adjustments for employees.
Employer’s toolkit
We like this detailed toolkit from Business in the Community and Public Health England.
Wellness action plans
Mind has a free wellness action plan download – these are an easy, practical way of helping you to support your own mental health at work and, if you are a manager, helping you to support the mental health of your team members.
Tackling work-related mental health issues
This Mind guide sets out simple, practical, and inexpensive steps that line managers and HR teams can take. It is designed to help you create a more open and supportive culture, improve mental well-being for all staff, and boost employee engagement.
Managing stress
Handy guidance for anyone who wants to know how to deal with stress and how to learn to relax. It explains when and how stress can be bad for you, and provides helpful strategies for dealing with it and where to go for further help.
Talking to someone experiencing mental health issues
Although the Time to Change campaign has now closed, it has some useful resources on its site including this post on how to start the conversation.
Managing mental health in a small business
This is a useful fact sheet from the Federation of Small Businesses and Mind on how to spot the signs of mental distress.
Managing mental health in practice
The Agency Collective has an insightful blog sharing real-life examples of how agencies deal with mental health within the workplace.
Supporting staff in challenging times
Read our latest blog on how to support staff with the cost of living crisis and read Enterprise Nation’s article on what other small businesses are doing.
Other useful organisations for free mental health resources: