Free working from home toolkit

Free working from home toolkit

Free working from home toolkit

Are you confident that your staff are supported and productive when working from home? We’ve put together this working from home toolkit to help.

Are your staff set up properly?

Within the toolkit, you will find our free homeworking risk assessment template to make sure that their environment is conducive to homeworking. You can also read our post on setting up your team from tools to use to working hours.

Ask for feedback

It’s important to understand and learn from what works for your team and what doesn’t when it comes to remote working. Is the team communicating effectively? Are staff able to work collaboratively? Do they feel supported? Now would be a good time to send out a brief staff survey to help you shape the coming months.

Support employee mental health

Looking after your staff’s wellbeing is more important than ever. It’s always important to regularly check in and keep track of how staff are feeling. Within the download you will find a finance help guide and wellbeing resource to support your team.

Keep your staff motivated

Remote working can feel isolating and it can therefore be a challenge to stay motivated. You can read our free guide with some tips on how to keep the team focused.

Download our free working from home toolkit:

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    Written by:

    Alison King
    Managing Director - Alison founded Bespoke HR in October 2005. After many years working for others in senior HR functions; she decided to start up on her own. There isn’t much that Alison doesn’t know about the world of HR, and she has surrounded herself with a team in her own mould.