It’s no wonder that January is one of the worst months for low morale. With staff returning to work after the festive season, and a long wait until payday; levels of enthusiasm and productivity can be at an all-time low. So how do you boost energy and motivate your team for the year ahead?
Introduce an employee benefits scheme
The flexible benefits landscape has changed for small businesses. For years, staff benefits were the domain of larger businesses able to offer varied perks and incentives. Research has now shown that offering staff additional benefits can improve employee engagement, help retain staff, boost morale, and ultimately position your business ahead of the competition. Check out our guidance on starting a scheme.
Discuss plans for the year ahead
This doesn’t have to be a formal appraisal meeting but could be a discussion that covers their aspirations for the year. Post holiday, talk through any potential issues and set some goals and targets so they have something to work towards. Alternatively, you could conduct a staff survey and ask your team about their hopes for the year ahead? It’s important to keep the upward and downward communication channels open in January, particularly as many people may start to think about new jobs.
Organise a January event
A simple lunch or coffee morning can boost morale by demonstrating that your business doesn’t just entertain staff at Christmas. If you schedule something for the end of January it will give the team something to look forward to. And can also keep a bit of the Christmas spirit going!
Discuss training needs
The start of the year is the ideal time to map out training and where it is needed most. This can help staff to shape their personal development for the year ahead too. Read our guide on how to start a training scheme within your business. ‘Bite-sized’ lunch and learn sessions throughout January can be great to get staff motivated whilst also not overwhelming them.
Look at the perks you can offer
Incentives don’t have to cost a lot, and there are perks that you can offer that won’t break the bank. Here are just a few ideas:
- Listen to staff – conduct staff surveys to understand what motivates them. This can help you to develop a company culture shaped by your employees.
- Make sure you’ve got good policies in place that promote inclusivity. Policies around supporting colleagues through menopause for example can help you stand out from other employers. One of our clients recently introduced a ‘get home safely’ policy to make sure that staff welfare is taken into account on team nights out.
- Look at ‘trivial benefits’. If an employer provides a ‘trivial benefit’ to employees (such as a supermarket voucher up to the value of £50 for example), the benefit is exempt from tax as employment income, as long as certain conditions are fulfilled. Find out more about trivial benefits here.
- Make sure your payroll is efficient. Common mistakes include using the wrong tax codes, miscalculating day rates, taxing additional deductions, and not providing pay and payslips on time.
- Introduce staff awards. Everyone likes to be recognised for their achievements after all!
- Invest in learning and development. This demonstrates that you are actively helping them to develop and progress in their careers.
- Sign up for some volunteering. Numerous studies have shown that employees are motivated by a company’s ethos. Those with a strong CSR focus tend to attract and retain the best talent. Consider dedicating time for staff to volunteer on projects of their choice. Not only is it a great morale boost, but is a good team-building exercise. One of our clients, a digital marketing agency, donates 10% of staff hours every month to pro-bono work with a charity of their choice.
- Match them with mentors. Identify the skills within your workforce and consider where these can be best shared, for example – a senior manager could offer a member of staff advice and guidance on career progression. Mentoring can provide benefits to both parties and again demonstrates your commitment to your employees’ professional development.
Focus on wellbeing
January is typically the time for new goals, and many staff will be returning to work with resolutions for the new year. Over the last few years, workplace well-being has become an increasingly important element of HR with businesses introducing incentives in the office. One of our clients ran a ‘January sales secret Santa’ or you could host a team lunch ordering food for staff.
For advice on motivating your team read our tips on keeping your remote team motivated or read our general tips on motivation. To discuss any other HR issues, call our team for 15 minutes of free HR advice.